Flutter's webview. eye test issue
I am trying to use the visibly exam service using Flutter's webview.
At the following URL, only a black screen appears and nothing is loaded.
This is the webview console error message in this situation.
I/flutter (24422): ConsoleMessage{message: The resource <https://d4t7wnutt73jo.cloudfront.net/assets/exam-experience-6105ffcc16d2c9cf77138c6ae816c310f9ea01bc8fe073533a308f433af7afd5.css> was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally., messageLevel: WARNING}
[AndroidInAppWebViewController] \(android) WebView ID 0 calling "onConsoleMessage" using {messageLevel: 2, message: The resource <https://d4t7wnutt73jo.cloudfront.net/assets/exam-experience-6105ffcc16d2c9cf77138c6ae816c310f9ea01bc8fe073533a308f433af7afd5.css> was preloaded using link preload but not used within a few seconds from the window's load event. Please make sure it has an appropriate `as` value and it is preloaded intentionally.}
I/AudioTrack(24422): isLongTimeZoreData zoer date time 6 Seconds
I/flutter (24422): ConsoleMessage{message: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('<https://js.stripe.com'>) does not match the recipient window's origin ('<https://staging.govisibly.com'>)., messageLevel: WARNING}
[AndroidInAppWebViewController] \(android) WebView ID 0 calling "onConsoleMessage" using {messageLevel: 2, message: Failed to execute 'postMessage' on 'DOMWindow': The target origin provided ('<https://js.stripe.com'>) does not match the recipient window's origin ('<https://staging.govisibly.com').}>
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I think it's strange that my mobile app connect to this URL.
I think this URL is the screen displayed on the PC web.
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I hope you help quickly. thank you.
Posted by luen 3 months ago
Basic Understanding of the flow
I'm new to visibly and I have some questions:
here is what I'm lookin for, let me know if that is possible
Currently, we are redirecting users from our site to visibly, and ask users to upload presciprtion:
We want to do the following:
Redirect users with a parameter like store.govisibly.com/signup/new?ORDER_ID=1234
And later on, we should get webhook updates for when the test is done to get the status of the test
Is this possible
Posted by Eli 9 months ago
Events webhooks
Events webhooks, where can we specify the webhook url to recieve events?
Posted by Anoop almost 3 years ago
Terminal status updates for a user's session
Is there an event that session is terminated (user close site's tab)
Posted by Sergey almost 3 years ago
What OS/browser version do I need to take the test?
Posted by David Gwizdala over 5 years ago