Prescription Results

Notify your users that their results are ready.

Use prescription results to inform the user that their results are ready, referred, or require a retake.

In the example emails, parameters you should populate are highlighted in yellow.


Use this email when a user's prescription has been dispensed.

Recommended Timing:Immediately upon Rx dispensed. For information on the API event, check out the API docs.
Subject:Your prescription is ready!


Use this email when a user's results have been referred.

Recommended Timing:Immediately upon Rx referral. For information on the API event, check out the API docs.
Subject:Your vision test results


Use this email when a user requires a retake to their vision test. This can occur if the doctor is not confident with the results, or that the patient is not happy with their prescription.

Recommended Timing:Immediately upon Rx retake requested. For information on the API event, check out the API docs.
SubjectConcerning your vision test

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